Std Dev Variance In C

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Because the binomial distribution is so commonly used, statisticians went ahead and did all the grunt work to figure out nice, easy formulas for finding its mean, variance, and standard deviation. The following results are what came out of it.

Sep 20, 2012  variance = (X0-mean)2 + (X1-mean)2 +. + (X6-mean)2/7 and the standard deviation is the square root of the variance (use sqrt in to calculate square root of a value) Run your program two times, using two different sets of data. How to write a C Program to Calculate Standard Deviation, Mean, and variance with an example? Before this example, we have to understand a few concepts, such as Mean and Variance, before understanding the Standard Deviation. I'm having a little trouble putting this together. I believe I have the formula correct on the bottom, but I can't seem get the program to work. The idea is that it needs to be able to run like this:./sdev. Variance = 918.8. Standard Deviation in C. The Square root of Variance is called as Standard Deviation. Standard Deviation = √918.8 Standard Deviation = 30.31. C Program to Calculate Standard Deviation, Mean and Variance. This C program calculates the Mean, Variance, and Standard Deviation of the array of given numbers.

If X has a binomial distribution with n trials and probability of success p on each trial, then:

  1. The mean of X is

  2. The variance of X is

  3. The standard deviation of X is

For example, suppose you flip a fair coin 100 times and let X be the number of heads; then X has a binomial distribution with n = 100 and p = 0.50. Its mean is

heads (which makes sense, because if you flip a coin 100 times, you would expect to get 50 heads). The variance of X is

Standard Deviation and Variance. Deviation just means how far from the normal. Standard Deviation. The Standard Deviation is a measure of how spread out numbers are. Its symbol is σ (the greek letter sigma) The formula is easy: it is the square root of the Variance. So now you ask, 'What is the Variance?' The Variance is defined as. S = std(A,w,vecdim) computes the standard deviation over the dimensions specified in the vector vecdim when w is 0 or 1. For example, if A is a matrix, then std(A,0,1 2) computes the standard deviation over all elements in A, since every element of a matrix is contained in the array slice defined. Apr 02, 2013  The variance is an measure of how much a set of numbers change, how much variation there is in those numbers. The standard deviation measures how far the values in a set are spread out from the average, just as the variance does. But since the SD (standard deviation) uses the same units as the mean it is easier to interpret.

which is in square units (so you can’t interpret it); and the standard deviation is the square root of the variance, which is 5. That means when you flip a coin 100 times, and do that over and over, the average number of heads you’ll get is 50, and you can expect that to vary by about 5 heads on average.

The formula for the mean of a binomial distribution has intuitive meaning. The p in the formula represents the probability of a success, yes, but it also represents the proportion of successes you can expect in n trials. Therefore, the total number of successes you can expect — that is, the mean of X — is

The formula for variance has somewhat of an intuitive meaning as well. The only variability in the outcomes of each trial is between success (with probability p) and failure (with probability 1 – p). Over n trials, the variance of the number of successes/failures is measuredby

The standard deviation is just the square root.

Mean, Variance and Standard Deviation are widely used in statistical application. It is a good idea to start writing program in C++ on this.
Note the difference between sample variance and population variance, similarly sample standard deviation and population standard deviation
The complete program and test run output are given below:

Source Code



int max;

double value[100];

double mean;


double CalculateMean()


double sum = 0;

for(int i = 0; i < max; i++)

sum += value[i];

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return (sum / max);


double CalculateVariane()


mean = CalculateMean();

double temp = 0;

for(int i = 0; i < max; i++)


temp += (value[i] - mean) * (value[i] - mean) ;


return temp / max;


double CalculateSampleVariane()


mean = CalculateMean();

double temp = 0;

for(int i = 0; i < max; i++)


temp += (value[i] - mean) * (value[i] - mean) ;


return temp / (max - 1);


int SetValues(double *p, int count)


if(count > 100)


return -1;

max = count;

for(int i = 0; i < count; i++)

value[i] = p[i];

return 0;


double GetStandardDeviation()


return sqrt(CalculateVariane());


double GetSampleStandardDeviation()


return sqrt(CalculateSampleVariane());



int main()


Std Dev Variance In C Form

double arrNumbers[] =


15.17, 16.94, 14.94, 14.99, 13.77, 13.75,

12.67, 12.14, 12.59, 12.48, 14.81, 14.29,

12.74, 12.52, 11.65, 12.24, 11.42, 12.25,

12.72, 11.64, 11.09, 11.22, 11.50, 11.36,

11.84, 12.18, 11.04, 10.90, 11.80, 11.84,


StdDeviation sd;

sd.SetValues(arrNumbers, sizeof(arrNumbers) / sizeof(arrNumbers[0]));

double mean = sd.CalculateMean();

double variance = sd.CalculateVariane();

double samplevariance = sd.CalculateSampleVariane();

double sampledevi = sd.GetSampleStandardDeviation();

double devi = sd.GetStandardDeviation();

char buf[1024];

sprintf(buf, 'Total Numbersttt: %10dn', sizeof(arrNumbers) / sizeof(arrNumbers[0]));

std::cout << buf;

Std Dev Variance In C Chart

sprintf(buf, 'Meantttt: %10.5lfnPopulation Variancett: %10.4lfn', mean, variance);

std::cout << buf;

sprintf(buf, 'Sample variancettt: %10.4lfn', samplevariance);

std::cout << buf;

sprintf(buf, 'Population Standard Deviationt: %10.4lfn', devi);

std::cout << buf;

sprintf(buf, 'Sample Standard Deviationt: %10.4lfn', sampledevi);

std::cout << buf;

Std Dev Variance In C

return 0;



Total Numbers:30


Population Variance:2.1607

Sample variance:2.2352

Population Standard Deviation:1.4699

Sample Standard Deviation:1.4951

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