How To Write Header File In Dev C++

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If you use programming language like C/C++ than you use header file first. Header file is the main source of Built(A function Which is already fix in Compiler,like Printf();,getch,etc) Function. We can use many header file when we write the program.for ex:- Include<stdio.h>,#include<windows.h> etc. But today i show how to make your own Headerfiles.

ok,lets,here we use Dev C++ to make header file.

1) Open the Dev c++ and Create new Console application and save it in new folder.

2) Now,time to the Write a Code. ok, When you Create new Project than main.cpp file create by default, in this file Write following codes.

  1. 2020-4-14  I can do graphics in Dev- C. I am using Dev-C.:). Just follow the instructions carefully and do not forget to put linkers. You can't do a graphics by making a new source file. You need to do a new project to put linkers. Yes, but you are not using the 16-bit functions that are in graphics.h that is supplied with Turbo C.
  2. I can do graphics in Dev- C. I am using Dev-C.:). Just follow the instructions carefully and do not forget to put linkers. You can't do a graphics by making a new source file. You need to do a new project to put linkers. Yes, but you are not using the 16-bit functions that are in graphics.h that is supplied with Turbo C.
How to write header file in dev c pdf

– Write #include<iostream.h>

Class declarations are stored in a separate file. A file that contains a class declaration is called header file. The name of the class is usually the same as the name of the class, with a.h extension. For example, the Time class would be declared in the file Time.h. 2000-5-18  Make sure you always include that header when you use files. For files you want to read or write, you need a file stream object, e.g.: ifstream inFile; // object for reading from a file ofstream outFile; // object for writing to a file Functions. Reading from or writing to a file in C requires 3 basic steps: Open the file. Nov 24, 2015 I have used the Dev-Cpp compiler to show how to declare a function in a header file, then define it inside a cpp file, and use the function in a third cpp file. Video on how to add two or more.

#include “sh.h” // The header file which we make to use function…. Download cooking fever.

int main()

return 0;


Here We define the two header file to use function cout,getch,cin etc,and (Sh.h) is use to declare the functions.

3) After copying above code, now time to copy anothe line of code given below.

How To Write Header File In Dev C Download

void get(void)
int s,p;
cout<<“n Enter 1 Value:”; cin>>s;
cout<<“n Enter 2 Value:”; cin>>p;
void sum(int a,int b)
int c;
cout<<“n Sum is:”<<c;

Here We define the Void get() and void sum() function because get two value and calculate it…

When you Copy this code than it look like this….

4) Now right click on main.cpp from left side of pane and select the new file. In this file Copy the following Code.

#include <iostream.h>

void sum(int a,int b);
void get(void);

Here we declare the fuction Voi sum and Void get. Void get is use for get value and sum is for calculation.

5) Now Save this file with name (sh.h), and run(F9) the progrma. and Show hhe result.

How To Write Header File In Dev C Pdf

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